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Shanghai Tianyang Group is invited to attend 2018 National PUR Adhesive Material Technology and Application Innovation Forum

​2018 National PUR AdhesiveMaterial Technology & Application Innovation Forum was held in Wuxi form 20thto 21st, 2018. The forum gathered nearly 300 experts, scholars andindustry circle people from raw materials & products to applications,testing and equipment of PUR industry, totally more than 200 enterprises andscientific research companies. The Forum revolved around "TechnologyExchange•Application Innovation•Interconnection for Upstream andDownstream" to discuss the achievements and innovative research directionsof PUR adhesive technology, and demonstrate the broad prospects of PURadhesives in different fields such as furniture, automobile & traffic,electronics, etc. Mr. Zhang Yongjian, General Manager of PUR Division ofShanghai Tianyang Hot Melt Adhesives Co., Ltd., was invited to be present andgive a speech on PUR Hot Melt Adhesive Technology Research Progress.